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Wetta Blonde Ale

This page show previous recipes of Wetta Blonde Ale. For the most recent recipe / description, click this link.

Wetta Blonde has have a similar taste as CABA with more body and perhaps a little drier crisp taste because of the honey.  Golden colored with a mild flavor with a dry finish.  It has a decent body with just about a perfect BU/GU balance.

Imperial Wetta Blonde Ale --- cost $22.73

Blonde Ale
Batch Size
2.40 gal
Boil Size   1.83 gal

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity
1.062 SG
Estimated FG
1.016 SG
Recipe Bitterness
31.7 IBU (Rager)
Alcohol by Volume
5.98 %
BU : GU   0.513        
Recipe Color
4.2 SRM
Measured OG:    1.068   Measured FG:    1.013
ADF:    80.9%   Measured ABV:    7.19%


Amount Item Type % or IBU
1 lbs 3.4 oz Mr. Beer CABA HME (5.0 SRM) Extract 29.58 %
1 lbs 2.1 oz Briess Wheat LME (3.0 SRM) Extract 27.63 %
13.0 oz Mr. Beer Booster (0.0 SRM) Extract 19.80 %
9.0 oz Briess Pilsen Light LME (2.0 SRM) Extract 13.69 %
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.30 %] (30 min) Hops 6.1 IBU
0.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.30 %] (20 min) Hops 8.1 IBU
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.30 %] (5 min) Hops 2.0 IBU
6.1 oz Honey (1.0 SRM) Sugar 9.29 %
1 Pkgs SafeAle American Ale (Fermentis #US-05) Yeast-Ale

Recipe Notes
Batch prime with 2.75 oz honey

Last liter from Jan batch. Really pleased by how well this ages. Need to brew this up again.
10/17/2010 Brewing Day esheppy
Brewed it up in the morning. Had less LME than I thought, so I had to adjust. My OG is much higher than expected, so it will be even more "Imperial" than I thought. Should still be a nice beer, I'm sure.
10/30/2010 Bottled esheppy
Bottled it up in 21 12 oz bottles and 2 liter bottles. Thought the sample tasted nice and smooth. Very clean. Right what I want a Wetta Blonde to taste like.
04/21/2011 esheppy
Had one. Very nice blond ages real well.
07/07/2011 esheppy
Had a liter of this. It is past its prime but still ok.
07/10/2011 esheppy
Finished off the last 2 bottles. These were better than the beer in the liter PET bottle. Think I'll brew this again sometime soon.

Wetta Blonde Ale --- cost $21.37

Style   Blonde Ale   Batch Size   2.13 gal
Type   Extract   Boil Size   1.01 gal

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity   1.049 SG   Estimated FG   1.013 SG
Recipe Bitterness   24.5 IBU (Rager)   Alcohol by Volume   4.72 %
BU : GU   0.500        
Recipe Color   5.1 SRM  


Amount Item Type % or IBU
1 lbs 3.4 oz Mr. Beer CABA HME (5.0 SRM) Extract 41.44 %
1 lbs 3.4 oz Mr. Beer Pale Export UME (5.0 SRM) Extract 41.44 %
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (20 min) Hops 4.4 IBU
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (1 min) Hops 2.2 IBU
8.0 oz Honey (1.0 SRM) Sugar 17.12 %
1 Pkgs SafeAle American Ale (Fermentis #US-05) Yeast-Ale  

Mash Profile

Recipe Notes
Batch prime with 2.75 oz honey

Date Note
12/02/2009 Wed Mixed up in the bottling bucket by mistake and then transferred to Tuke.  OG reading was about 1.048 when adjusted for temp.  Left the aroma hops in a hop bag in the fermenter.
12/03/2009 Thur After Tuke temp got up to 72, put into conditioning cooler.
12/06/2009 Sun Got back out of conditioning cooler.  Think I am going to start going 3 days at the lower temps and then let it go to room temp per brew strong on brewing radio.
12/19/2009 Sat Bottled up with 2.75oz honey in 2 cups water.  Got 2 liter bottles and 19 12 oz bottles.  FG was right about 1.015 after adjusting for temp which is not too bad.  Sample was a good representation of what a flat Wetta Blonde should be.
01/05/2010 Tues Placed bottles in conditioning cooler.
01/22/2010 Fri Tried one.  Think maybe it tastes a bit green, but ok.  Do not thing the kent golding come through quite the same as the U.S. Goldings did.  Think I prefer the US.  Tracy had a liter bottle of it and gave the review:  "Yummy" and gave me two thumbs up.  Then, she said "crisp and refreshing".
02/14/2010 Sun Tried another one.  It was after a few beers, but I do think this beer has entered its "taste great" phase in the conditioning cycle.  A bit fruity esters come through and the nice golding taste seems to have started its prime.
03/04/2010 Thur Still tasting real good.  The clarity on this beer is amazing.


Wetta Blonde --- $.91 / 12 oz
Recipe   Wetta Blonde   Style   Blonde Ale
Brewer   Sheppy Brew   Batch   2.13 gal

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity   1.047 OG   Estimated FG   1.012 FG
Recipe Bitterness   24 IBU   Alcohol by Volume   4.6%
Recipe Color   6° SRM   Alcohol by Weight   3.6%


Quantity   Grain   Type   Use
1.21 lb   MrB. Classic American Blonde   Extract   Extract
1.21 lb   MrB. Pale Export UME   Extract   Extract
0.375 lb   Honey (6oz)   Sugar   Other
Quantity   Hop   Type   Time
1.00 oz   MrB. Classic American Blonde   Pellet   5 minutes
0.25 oz   U.S. Goldings   Pellet   20 minutes
Quantity   Misc   Notes

Recipe Notes

Bring 8 cups water to boil and add UME and .25oz Hops. Add honey with 5 minutes left, remove from heat and add HME. Add to fermenter and pitch yeast as usual.
Ferment 2-3 weeks.
Batch prime with 2.75 oz honey.

Date Note
09/13/2009 Sun Mixed in Rutt.  Only difference is the Fermentis SAFEALE US-05 yeast.  Did use a yeast nutrient.  Hydrated yeast on the wort for half an hour before mixing in.
09/29/2009 Tues Bottled the beer using bottling bucket.  Unfortunately, forgot to close the spigot and so spilled a bit.  Also broke a bottle (New Belgium).  Ended up with 3 liter and 14 12oz bottles, so the spill was not too bad.   Sample tasted very good.
10/15/2009 Thur Put them in the conditioning cooler.
10/28/2009 Wed Most of them in the beer fridge.  Have a bunch of these so, should probably finish up the last of the 6/17 batch.
10/29/2009 Thur Got an update on the Mr. B ingredients.  This went from BU/GU of .278 to .511.
11/14/2009 Sat Tried one.  It is hard to believe that this is the first beer from this batch that I have tried, but it might be.  There was a disturbing lack of head on this beer.  There seemed to be carbonation, but the head was just a fizz.  Hopefully just something about this one beer, but I might consider added some CaraPils to my next batch.
11/27/2009 Fri Had one with Thanksgiving dinner.  Almost out.  Will have to stop drinking so we'll still have some for the Christmas tasting party.
12/24/2009 Thur Had a couple of the liter bottles with Christmas eve guests.  Something tastes not quite right with these.  No one else noticed.  Of course, I had a bunch of Phat & Tyred, so I am not sure how altered my senses were.
12/28/2009 Mon Tried one while watching Monday Night Football.  Think perhaps the weird taste I was getting X-Mas eve was pouring just a bit too much yeast into the pitcher.  Just a bit more of a fruity ester when I added the bottom yeast into this pour.
01/01/2009 Sat Another liter down.  Think maybe I detected the Mr. Beer taste.  I guess that was not a yeast thing.  Wonder if I fermented this one a bit warm.  Didn't really note anything, so probably was not ever in the conditioning cooler.
01/07/2010 Thur Finished off the last 3.  Definitely not as good as the last batch, but not a bad beer.  Have a new batch almost ready to try.  We'll see how that one is.


Date Note
06/17/2009 Wed Mixed in Rutt.  This time, I hydrated the yeast in a cup of water separate from the keg.  Not sure why.  I really liked the smell going into Rutt.  Left the hops in the keg for fermentation.
07/07/2009 Tues Primed with 2.75oz honey boiled in 1 cup water.  Bottled in 2 1 liter and 17 12oz bottles.  The very last one got poured into the 2nd to last.  This was my first experience with StarSan.  It is a good thing D-Rock told me not to "fear the foam" because the foam really did scare me.  Sample tasted really good.
07/22/2009 Wed Moved these into the conditioning cooler.
08/12/2009 Wed Moved 6 into the fridge.  Probably will have a taste test soon.
08/16/2009 Sun I have to be honest:  this beer is really good.  Definitely ranks up there with the best of the beers I've brewed.  Not sure I'll be able to save any for Heura.  Probably need to brew this one again soon.
08/17/2009 Mon Placed both 1 liter and most of the rest of the 12oz bottles into the beer fridge.
08/22/2009 Sat A few more in the fridge.  My conditioning cooler is getting pretty empty.
08/29/2009 Sat Had one of these while sitting on the porch watching my kids do sidewalk art.  This is such a good beer, I do not think Heura will like it.
09/11/2009 Fri Shared WW, WB, P&T, Northern Amber, Eric's Red, and Dragon Spit with Jerry, Lisa, and Grammy. Wetta Blonde was the favorite of the women.  I have no problem with it being the favorite, because it is quite good.  Put in a little more honey (2.875oz) than intended.
10/16/2009 Fri Had one after having a buffalo gold (I am trying to brew Fools' Gold to be similar).  Am still very happy with this beer.
11/18/2009 Tues Scott and I each had one.  Sort of surprised me that I still had some of this batch.  Still a great beer after being in the bottle for over 4 months.
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