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Looking for specific beer?

Current Brews

Beers that are ready to drink, in the brewing process, or scheduled to be brewed soon.


Beers that I consider seasonals.

Future Brews

Beers that I am planning on brewing in the future.

  • King Fergus Wee Heavy
    Roll-a-style for 17C. Wee Heavy.

  • Michel-not Lager
    After 1519 Barker, I actually researched how to recreate "Original" Michelob.

  • Pack o' Hooligans Stout
    16A Sweet Stout Roll-a-Style beer.

  • 1519 Barker Exportbier
    German Helles Exportbier designed to remind me of premium beers during my college years.

  • Humdinger of a Hootenanny
    Roll-a-Style 27A. Historical Beer: Kentucky Common

  • Mr. Awesome Merican Lager
    American premium lager (sort of) inspired by New Belgium's Mountain Time. Low ABV. Easy drinking.

  • Shoddy Pale Ale
    Inspired by Brülosophy's short and shoddy series, I thought I'd try to do a Pale Ale in a less-than-2-hour brew day.

  • Sin Lima Mexican Lager
    Previously ironically named "Bud Lite Lime". No bud. Not lite. No lime. Just a light colored lager with Perle and Saaz hops. Sessionable. Drinkable. Summer beer. Sin Lima.

  • Muggled Pale Ale
    Just a simple but hoppy American Pale Ale.

  • Chelsea Dagger Pre-Prohibition Lager
    A Pre-Prohibition Lager in honor of the 2015 Stanley Cup Champion Blackhawks.

  • Sasquatch Hunter German Altbier
    1st place winner in the first round of NHC! German Altbier. The perfect beer for hunting Sasquatch. Originally named Sasquatch Hunter Düsseldorf Altbier.

  • Ale to the Chief: Honey Porter
    This is my all-grain conversion of the White House Honey Porter recipe that was released by President Obama.

  • Blackhawk Black Ale
    Inspired by New Belgium Brewery's 1554, but it is not really the same at all. But, I love this beer. It has a nice citrusy hop flavor in a black chocolate backbone.

  • Buckwheat's Belgium Pale Ale
    My wife picked out a recipe from Brewing Classic Styles. This is that recipe with slight modifications.

  • Eric's Red Ale
    Originally one of my favorite Mr. Beer recipes, now converted to an awesome all-grain recipe.

Previously Brewed Beers

These are beers that I brewed but have been consumed by greedy beer drinkers who either visited or already live at the brewery:

  • Eric's Red Ale
    Originally one of my favorite Mr. Beer recipes, now converted to an awesome all-grain recipe.

  • Buckwheat's Belgium Pale Ale
    My wife picked out a recipe from Brewing Classic Styles. This is that recipe with slight modifications.

  • Monkish Wit
    One of the beer mixes I got from Christmas gift certificates was Mr. Beer's Witty Monk Witbier premium refill. I made it ... with a couple of minor changes. Turned out pretty good.

  • Quarter Life Crisis Hoppy Red Ale
    Extreme American amber. Big, bold, lots of hops. Brewed it up using Jamil's West Coast Blaster as sort of a basis of the recipe.

  • Stone Soup IDA
    Hoppy like an IPA, but contains enough chocolate and black patent malts to darken it up like a brown or maybe even a porter.

  • Brother Bear Dopplebock
    Nice dark malty Dopplebock

  • Leprechaun Stout
    A nicely balanced Irish Stout with just the right amount of peppermint to make this a minty treat.

  • Tommy Hawk APA
    Originally, this was an attempt at replicating New Belgium's Brewery's Mighty Arrow APA with Mr. Beer ingredients. It has morphed into a tasty all-grain beer. Sort of on the border of IPA and Pale Ale. Great beer to drink while watching the Stanley Cup playoffs.

  • Dragon Spit Brown Ale
    Started as a Mr. Beer recipe. Working on making it non-Mr. Beer. Hoping it will end up like an extra hoppy Moose Drool.

  • Phat & Tyred Amber Ale
    Might be the SheppyBrew "flagship" beer. Sort of a tribute to New Belgium's Fat Tire.

  • Girly Berry Blonde Ale
    Early in my brewing career, I thought it would be a good idea to make a raspberry beer. It wasn't. I did think that if the raspberries were not there to ruin the beer flavor, it would be a good beer. As it turned out, I was right.

  • Fools' Gold Ale
    I really like Boulder Beer Company's Buffalo Gold and so I designed a beer based on information I got at the company's website. Good beer, but so far it has not been close to Buffalo Gold.

  • Fox Sox Knox Rye Pale Ale
    Based mostly on a Can you Brew It recipe for Terrapin Type Pale Ale, this is my first recipe using rye.

  • Blackhawk Black Ale
    Inspired by New Belgium Brewery's 1554, but it is not really the same at all. But, I love this beer. It has a nice citrusy hop flavor in a black chocolate backbone.

  • Tweedle Beetle Imperial Stout
    Roasty and bold.

  • Whisky Wife Wit
    Beer similar to Blue Moon or Shock Top for my wife to enjoy.

  • Dragon Spit II Brown Ale
    And still another beer I want to redo with my own recipe rather than using Mr. Beer ingredients. This uses mostly the grain bill from a Moose Drool clone I got from a combination of The Brewing Network and D-Rock's Moose Drool Clone. I am hopping similarly to my original dragon spit and keeping the brown sugar and cinnamon. This may end up being my most original recipe.

  • Whisky Wife Wheat
    Mr. Beer version of a Belgium Wit for my wife.

  • Rocktoberfest Lager
    Seasonal beer to drink during the baseball playoffs ... hopefully while the Rockies are going to another world series. The first one was a dark, balanced, almost sweet brew with a decent ABV. It was sort of a dunkle munich style ale. 2010 is closer to a traditional Ocktoberfest lager without any Mr. Beer ingredients. Am planning to brew this every August to be ready around October.

  • Wetta Blonde Ale (AG)
    A nice blonde ale for those of you who prefer to drink those lighter beers.

  • Mr. Cowboy Gold Ale
    Nothing spectacular. Just using up some Mr. Beer UME / HME. Pretty standard blond / gold ale.

  • X-Mas Ale 2010
    Dark, malty and spicy. Cherry flavor just below the surface to add some fun complexity. Merry Christmas to me.

  • 15 Year Anniversary Amber Ale
    The beer model and I have been married for 15 years (as of 9/2/2010), and this is a little bit of a celebration ale.

  • Bluefield Chocolate Ale
    Experimental brew. Trying to make something Chocolaty that my sister would like. Doomed for failure, but the worse that could happen is that I would have to drink it.

  • Stouticus American Stout
    Black and roasty with coffee and chocolate notes and a fair amount of citrusy hops. A stout-lover's treat. Developed to share with the good people at FHS.

  • Gringo Cerveza Popcorn Ale
    A summer-time "cream" ale with jalapenos added. Hoping this will be a great thing to try on Cinco-de-Mayo.

  • Fat and Stoopid Amber Ale
    An attempt at make Phat & Tyred gone horribly wrong.

  • Summer Lovin' American Wheat
    My beer model wanted to brew a beer like New Belgium's Sunshine Wheat on the 2011 National National Home-Brew Day.

  • Psychotically Dark and Bitter IDA
    Dark in color bitter because of an insane amount of high-alpha hops in such a small batch. This is an India Dark Ale.

  • X-Mas Ale 2011
    Continuing the tradition of brewing special X-mas ales.

  • HopToberfest (sort of) Vienna Lager
    I was really pleased with my Marzen lager and wanted to try a little Vienna Lager. This one is hopped a bit more than a traditional lager to match its name, though.

  • Free the Glutens! APA
    The matriarch of the family who swaps kids with us has a problem with gluten. Thought I would try my hand at brewing a gluten-free beer.

  • Pompously Illegitimate Red Ale
    In honor of, but not meant to be a clone of Stone Brewery's Arrogant Bastard. Hoppy and red.

  • Rationalité Poison d'Ereeeek
    SheppyBrew's first attempt at a sour ale. Brewed with a sour mash rather than bugs in the fermentation.

  • Eric's Red Failure
    Trying to brew Eric's Red and things went horribly wrong. Not a bad beer. On the light, watery side, but good enough to share I think.

  • Apricot Lovin' American Wheat
    Exactly like the Summer Lovin' Wheat except is has Apricot flavor instead of the Coriander and orange zest.

  • Laser Salt Sandy Blonde Ale
    A beer brewed by the Beer Model and me to take to the Great Sand Dunes group camp ground. Gluten-free (actually gluten reduced) with Clarity-Ferm.

  • Cheap Bastard American Mild Ale
    Thought it would be nice to brew a simple recipe that comes in low in alcohol. Hopefully should be nice to suck down on hot summer days.

  • Ello Poppet Czech Pilsner
    Wanted to make a bohemian-style pilsner with a bunch of finishing hops. This is that beer. Light colored. Very hoppy. Gluten-free (actually gluten reduced) with Clarity-Ferm.

  • Eric The Awful Red Ale
    Sort of a combination of Eric's Red and Quarter Life Crisis. Malt bill of an Irish Red with the hopping of an IPA.

  • Boo Berry American Wheat
    After trying Sweetwater's Blue, my wife asked me to make a blueberry wheat beer. This is it.

  • X-Mas Ale 2012
    The 2012 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. Rich and caramely with a significant amount of chocolate malts. Adding peppermint this year.

  • 42 SMaSH Pale Ale
    My first Single Malt Single Hop beer. An American Pale Ale with Maris Otter as the malt a fair amount of Centennial hops.

  • Ale to the Chief: Honey Ale
    This is my all-grain conversion of the White House Honey Ale recipe that was released in 2012.

  • Whacko Wife Pumpkin Witbier
    Classic Whisky Wife Wit flavored with pumpkin and pie spices.

  • Sasquatch Hunter German Altbier
    1st place winner in the first round of NHC! German Altbier. The perfect beer for hunting Sasquatch. Originally named Sasquatch Hunter Düsseldorf Altbier.

  • Snowball's Chance (in) Helles
    A traditional Munich light lager.

  • Khazad-dûm Black Lager
    My first black lager Schwarzbier.

  • Helles in a Hand Bock-sket
    My first Maibock, and Category 5 representative of my brewing category goal.

  • Gnasty the Gnome ESB
    My Category 8, English Pale Ale representative of the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines (see SheppyBrew Styles on the blog).

  • Summer Lovin' Un-Wheat
    Made a mistake while buying grains for Summer Lovin' Wheat and decided to just go with it.

  • NSFW Belgium Golden Strong Ale
    My Category 18 Belgian Strong Ale representative. Big. High in alcohol. Originally called "Idiot's Gold".

  • She Who Must Be Obeyed Wheat
    Needed something in the keg for my wife. Didn't know what to brew, so I combined ingredients from some of her favorite beers. Calling it SWMBO because ... well, I must obey my wife.

  • Sloth Man English Mild
    My Category 11 English Brown Ale representative. Big in balanced malt flavor but low in alcohol.

  • X-Mas Ale 2013
    The 2012 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. Rich and caramely with a significant amount of chocolate malts. This year, it has significant smoked malt to add to the flavor.

  • Weizened Doonkle
    My category 15 German Wheat representative of my 2013 goal to brew every BJCP category.

  • Jolly Morlock Brown Porter
    My Category 12 (Porter) representative of my 2013 goal to brew every BJCP category.

  • Schnockered to Comfortably Numb Barleywine
    A 10% ABV American Barleywine. The last of the BJCP categories I need to brew.

  • Arctic Vortex Winter Saison
    Saison recipe with enough Midnight Wheat Malt to make the beer dark brown to black.

  • T.Ra.Sh. Mexican Lager
    Sort of a lighter colored Vienna Lager with a Mexican Lager Yeast(White Labs #WLP940).

  • Sunny Pineapple Wheat
    Subtle pineapple orange flavor and aroma makes for a light and refreshing summer wheat.

  • Hail Storm Summer Saison
    Just a nice refreshing summer saison. Spiciness of the yeast and saaz hops. No actual spices added. Just water malt hops yeast.

  • Near-Sighted Swine IPA
    This is a really hoppy west-coast ipa. Really, my first.

  • X-Mas Ale 2014
    The 2014 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. Rich and caramely with a significant amount of chocolate malts. This year I am adding no spices. I am just going to enjoy the base beer.

  • Will-o'-Wisp Pumpkin Ale
    My world-famous pumpkin ale. Brewed because the Beer Model (aka my wife) ordered me to do so.

  • Gnaughty Gnome English Coffee Stout
    A coffee stout brewed with no coffee, but all English Malts.

  • Falling Leaves Autumn Saison
    The Autumnal version of my Saison series of beers. A bit higher in alcohol with some canned pumpkin in the mash.

  • Gruntled Sour Weiße
    A Berliner Weisse soured with lactic acid rather than bacteria. Light and refreshing and tart.

  • One Hundred Hoppy Brown Ale
    This is the beer with an ID of 100 on the SheppyBrew website. For a such a milestone, I thought I would need a special beer.

  • Gruntled Berry Weiße
    Same base beer as Gruntled Sour Weiße. Uses frozen mixed berries in the fermentation to give a little more fruity flavor.

  • Melting Stream Spring Saison
    My Spring version of the seasonal saison. This one is light in color and very hoppy. It is also a little higher in alcohol than my other saisons, but still in style.

  • Bad Lands Kölsch
    Just a light refreshing clean Kölsch to drink and remember fond memories of the Bad Lands National Park.

  • Gzombie Gnome Gapocalypse
    SheppyBrew's newest brewing gnome (Gzombie) came up with this recipe with ingredients we had lying around.

  • Chelsea Dagger Pre-Prohibition Lager
    A Pre-Prohibition Lager in honor of the 2015 Stanley Cup Champion Blackhawks.

  • Happy Feet Best Bitter
    Beer brewed to pay off a bet. My team finished behind a team that I was sure we would beat in a Walking Challenge at work.

  • Gnaughty Gnome Cocoa Stout
    A Stout brewed with Cocoa and Apricot extract. Why? Because I can.

  • Base Lovin' American Wheat
    The base beer of my various "Lovin'" American Wheats. Making mostly to blend the Apricot a little out of the Apricot Wheat and the Pumpkin Spice out of the Pumpkin beer. Might even drink it on its own some.

  • Muggled Pale Ale
    Just a simple but hoppy American Pale Ale.

  • X-Mas Ale 2015
    The 2015 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. Cutting down a bit on the caramel malts and the ABV this year. This year I am adding no spices.

  • Ulterior Motive Amber Lager
    An "International Amber Lager" designed to be a malty session beer ... and serve as a yeast starter to a future Doppelbock.

  • Brother Bear Dopplebock (AG)
    Dopplebock brewed to satisfy my 2015 BJCP goal in the Strong European Beer category. Big and rich. Nice to sip.

  • Mor'du Scottish Ale
    My Category 14, Scottish Ale representative to the 2015 Style Guidelines. Low in alcohol but malty and full bodied.

  • Tortuga Golden Ale
    My Category 12, Pale Commonwealth Beer representative to the 2015 Style Guidelines. Showcases Fuggle hops.

  • #WeAreGroot
    Blonde ale brewed with sweet potatoes as part of the grain bill.

  • T.Ra.Sh. Light Mexican Lager
    Lighter in color, body, alcohol and flavor than T.RA.SH. Mexican Lager.

  • Kucumber Kölsch
    Basically just "Bad Lands Kölsch" with cucumbers in the secondary.

  • X-Mas Ale 2016
    The 2016 version of SheppyBrew's Christmas ale. This year the beer will be slightly lower in alcohol. I am going back to peppermint in the beer.

  • Scallywag Czech Dark Lager
    A Czech Dark Lager with rich Munich and caravienna malts and lots of noble hops.

  • Cubs Win! Munich Dunkel
    Munich Dunkel brewed in honor of the 2016 Cubs and their quest to win their first world series since 1908.

  • Spring Forward Hoppy Wheat
    A hoppy wheat to bring in spring.

  • Bob Dog ESB
    Started out as a clone kit for BOB Placer ESB. I decided to take liberties to cut down on the bitterness and increase hop character.

  • Red Eye Red Ale
    My LBHS was kind enough to help me out with my Great Cycle Challenge fundraising by putting together a kit. The proceeds from the sale of the kit go to the Children's Cancer Research Fund.

  • T.Ra.Sh. Light Lime Mexican Lager
    Lighter in color, body, alcohol and flavor than T.RA.SH. Mexican Lager. Uses saaz hops and adds some lime zest.

  • Colorado Pelican Australian Sparkling Ale
    Golden beer with light refreshing dry finish. Slightly bitter. Nice Australian hop character.

  • Killer Cricket Porter
    A pre-prohibition porter. Rich and black. Oats in the background. Fairly low in alcohol. Delicious.

  • Where'd My ManGo Wheat
    Standard American wheat beer flavored with mango.

  • X-Mas Ale 2017
    The 2017 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. This year the beer will include a little blueberry extract. Merry Christmas.

  • Oompa Loompa Mango Pale Ale
    Pale Ale with mango flavoring instead of dry hops. Uses tropical hops Ekuanot and some Centenial.

  • Imaginary Dragon Brown Ale
    An American Brown ale with a little Cinnamon spice.

  • Pats Disliker New England Pale Ale
    Low alcohol pale ale designed to mimic parts of a hazy New England Style IPA. Since we hate the New England Patriots, though, we won't go all in with the style.

  • Cinco de Bealtaine Irish Stout
    Big brew day recipe for 2018. Simple dry Irish Stout brewed on Cinco de Mayo.

  • Pomegranate Biker Radler
    A Pomegranate Radler. Or so I think.

  • X-Mas Ale 2018
    The 2017 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. This year the beer will include a little peanut butter extract. Merry Christmas.

  • Resilience IPA Clone(ish)
    Pretty close to the AHA clone recipe of Sierra Nevada Resilience IPA. Brewed in solidarity with Sierra Nevada and pro breweries across the country in their goal to help raise much needed support for the recovery efforts of the Camp Fire ravaged northern Californians.

  • Popcorn Barley Rye (PBR)
    An American Light Lager with a fun twist. Uses Popcorn and Rye along with 2-row malt. Basic beer-drinkers beer.

  • Mardi Bock
    A nice little bock recipe that I hope to enjoy during Lent.

  • 5th Season Blood Orange Saison
    Experimental saison.

  • Bridge Fog California Common
    After visiting San Francisco for Spring Break, I decided to brew a beer honoring the Anchor Steam beer I had a couple times while there.

  • Blackberry in Bed American Wheat
    My standard American Wheat recipe with blackberry added.

  • 2019 BBD Blood Orange Saison Mango Pale
    Trying my first 10 gallon batch. I have to split fermentors, so I will brew a blood orange saison and something else.

  • 1000 Mile Mild
    "Diet" beer brewed to commemorate my 2019 GCC ride. I'm riding 1000 miles in June.

  • Alabama Pelican Brown Porter
    Adding color to the Colorado Pelican to bring it to the dark amber / light brown range.

  • Schreck Gartenzwerg Pilsner
    Frightening gnome German Pilsner.

  • X-Mas Ale 2019
    The 2018 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. This year the beer includes a little white chocolate extract. Merry Christmas.

  • Dearg Irish Red
    2019 Learn to Homebrew Day extract brew. Brewed at Du's house.

  • What the Helles Dortmunder
    "What the Helles" is a German Helles Exportbier (sometimes referred to as Dortmunder or Dortmunder Export) with Hallertau Blanc and Huell Melon hop flavor.

  • Peppermint Porter
    Porter with a little peppermint tea to add flavoring.

  • Galena Dave's Pale Lager
    My brother-in-law Dave grabbed wild hops from his yard and let me have some. Making a beer to try these out.

  • Sunny Rise Wheat
    Wheat beer hopped like my Ello Poppet pilsner (sort of)

  • Dudocs Best Bitter
    Simple extract "best bitter" style beer to brew with my friends. Less clean up makes for an easier brew day with firends.

  • Foothills India Pale Ale
    India Pale Ale. inspired by Odell IPA. Part of the 6 pack project.

  • Wild Cow (sort of) Kölsch
    Big Brew Day brew in honor of Spotted Cow.

  • 5th Season Blackberry Saison
    Using up some blackberry extract in a saison base.

  • Colorado Strong Pale Ale
    Homebrew version of "Colorado Strong" ... A Colorado benefit beer helping Healthcare, Hospitality, Service Industry, and Gig Economy workers impacted by Covid-19

  • On Your Left
    Just a light easy drinking session beer. Sort of has the stats of an ordinary bitter with more of an American twist.

  • Sin Lima Mexican Lager
    Previously ironically named "Bud Lite Lime". No bud. Not lite. No lime. Just a light colored lager with Perle and Saaz hops. Sessionable. Drinkable. Summer beer. Sin Lima.

  • Sveikas Lithuanian Farmhouse Ale
    First beer using a Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast that I got from Great Frontier brewing company.

  • Lithuanian Lovin' Summer Lovin' Wheat
    Double batch of Summer Lovin' Wheat (sort of). Half fermented with US05. Half fermented with Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast.

  • Lithuanian Strong Pale Ale
    My homebrew version of Colorado Strong brewed with a Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast.

  • Lithuanian Autumn Ale
    Using the Lithuanian yeast in basically the base of Will-o-wisp.

  • Irregular Eric Double IPA
    Part of the homebrew 6 pack inspired by Deviant Dale's IPA.

  • X-Mas Ale 2020
    The 2020 version of SheppyBrew's X-Mas ale. This year the beer includes a little chocolate extract and peppermint leaves. Merry Christmas.

  • Puppy Monkey Baby
    Beer. Just a simple low alcohol, but tasty beer.

  • Decemberfest Lager
    I missed brewing a Oktoberfest beer in September / October. This is a Decemberfest lager.

  • Lithuanian Lovin' Wheat
    The world famous Summer Lovin' Wheat fermented with Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast

  • Shoddy Pale Ale
    Inspired by Brülosophy's short and shoddy series, I thought I'd try to do a Pale Ale in a less-than-2-hour brew day.

  • N.T.S. Faux Pilsner
    Nobel Tettnang and Saaz. Pilsner-like beer fermented with Voss Kveik yeast.

  • Mr. Awesome Merican Lager
    American premium lager (sort of) inspired by New Belgium's Mountain Time. Low ABV. Easy drinking.

  • Caliente Fuerte Mexican Stout
    Inspired by Copper Kettle's Mexican Chocolate Stout. Rich with a little heat.

  • Dudocs Dark Mild
    English Dark Mild style beer to brew with my friends on Learn to Homebrew Day. Fermented with Voss Kveik yeast.

  • X-Mas Ale 2021
    2021 Version of the X-Mas Ale. Adding Cherry Pomegranate juice concentrate, making this a "Graf" of sorts.

  • Colorado Strong IPA
    Brewed this in consolidation with the 2021 "Colorado Strong" initiative.

  • Colorado Vienna Lager
    A Vienna-style lager brewed with all Colorado (Root Shoot) malts.

  • Eric's Pale Ale
    Homebrew Colorado 6 pack beer inspired by Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale.

  • McShepardSons Irish Ale
    Double batch of an Irish red. Half brewed with an English ale yeast and half with Kviek

  • Jethro Bud Nelson Merican Lite Lager
    Merican Lite Lager

  • Brian Phelps Pale Ale
    Hoppy American Pale Ale named after somewhat of a hero of mine

  • Will-o'-Wisp Autumn Ale (no pumpkin)
    An Autumn ale. Basically the pumpkin ale recipe without pumpkin or spices.

  • Wien Zerschlagen (Vienna SMASH)
    Vienna lager with 100% of the malt bill using Root Shoot Vienna malt.

  • Dudocs Red IPA
    Red IPA brewed at my friend Doc's home brewery on Learn to Homebrew day.

  • X-Mas Ale 2022
    2022 version of my annual X-Mas Ale. This year flavored with vanilla beans.

  • Grumkins and Snarks Oatmeal Stout
    My version of the 16B. Oatmeal Stout style of beer.

  • Doodle Bop Belgium Single
    My version of 26A. Belgian Single style of beer.

  • Dubbel Minor
    A Belgium Dubbel brewed at my friend Du's house.

  • No Drums Jack Black Lager
    2C. International Dark Lager brewed with corn grits.

  • Captain Serious Pilsner
    Italian pilsner using a new-world hop.

  • Alpine Tundra IPA
    Hoppy IPA.

  • Tafel Mystère Belgian Single
    Quick little table beer made with a mystery yeast.

  • Gypsy Magic Bière de Garde
    1st SheppyBrew Roll-a-Style ... 24C. Bière de Garde beer.

  • Helles Won't Kellerbier
    2nd SheppyBrew Roll-a-Style ... 27A. Historical Beer: Kellerbier.

  • Steamacularly Common
    Brewed in honor of rewed in honor of Anchor Steam upon news that Anchor is closing down.

  • Shoddy IPA
    Hazy IPA made quickly.

  • Humdinger of a Hootenanny
    Roll-a-Style 27A. Historical Beer: Kentucky Common

  • Golly Jeepers Wild Mango Ale
    "Wild Mango Ale" fermented with the Philly Sour yeast.

  • X-Mas Ale 2023
    2023 version of the X-Mas Ale. This year a "wood-aged" beer.

  • Said Strumpet Czech Pale Lager
    Roll-a-style Czech Pale Lager. Recipe "generated" by Chat GPT.

  • Alex's Golden Paradise Tangerine Wheat
    The Beer Model designed this recipe with the help of ChatGPT.

  • Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale
    Roll-a-style 14C. Scottish Export beer.

  • Nargles American Porter
    Roll-a-style 20A American Porter.

  • 1519 Barker Exportbier
    German Helles Exportbier designed to remind me of premium beers during my college years.

  • X-Mas Ale 2024
    2024 Version of the X-Mas Ale. Doing something a bit different this time to satisfy the British Strong "Roll-a-Style".

  • Pack o' Hooligans Stout
    16A Sweet Stout Roll-a-Style beer.

  • Archived Beers: 
    These are beers which I brewed, but most likely will not brew again... at least in the near future.  Currently, these are all recipes with Mr. Beer bases.
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