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Free the Glutens! APA (previous recipes)

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The matriarch of the family who swaps kids with us has a problem with gluten. Thought I would try my hand at brewing a gluten-free beer.

NOTE: this beer may not be good for serious celiacs. The Naked Oats likely have gluten due to cross-contamination. I use the same brewing equipment for this beer that I do for all my gluten-full beers.

Free the Glutens! APA: Batch 1

American Pale Ale
Batch Size
2.40 gal
Boil Size   2.73 gal
Mash Efficiency   n / a
  Boil Time   30 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity
1.048 SG
Estimated FG
1.013 SG
Recipe Bitterness
30.4 IBUs (Rager)
Alcohol by Volume
4.7 %
BU : GU   0.628        
Recipe Color
8.9 SRM
Measured OG:    1.060   Measured FG:    ?
ADF:    ?   Measured ABV:    ?


Amt Name Type # %/IBU
12.0 oz Golden Naked Oats C15 (15.0 SRM) Grain 1 17.6 %
3 lbs 8.0 oz Rice Extract Syrup (7.0 SRM) Extract 2 82.4 %
0.50 oz Centennial [9.20 %] - Boil 30.0 min Hop 3 21.8 IBUs
0.50 oz Centennial [9.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 4 8.5 IBUs
4.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 mins) Other 5 -
1.0 pkg SafBrew Ale (DCL/Fermentis #S-33) [23.66 ml] Yeast 6 -

Mash Profile

Remove grains, and prepare to boil wort

Recipe Notes
NOTE: using harvested yeast. Make starter 2 days in advance.
Bring 2.5 gallons to 160F. Steep Oats for 45 minutes.
Add syrup and bring to boil and start 30 minute timer
Add hops and nutrient as times listed
After boil, chill the wort to around 60F.
Add wort to fermenter, Fill with water as needed, and aerate. Pitch yeast.
Ferment one week starting at around 60F and let rise over the time it is fermenting.
Batch prime with 2.25 oz sugar. Carb for 2 weeks.

Brewing Record

Brew Date: 10/23/2011
Pitch Temp:   62
Day 1: Temps in low to mid 60s going ok.
Day 2: Pretty much done 68F
Day ... 

Brewing Notes: 10/23/2011 esheppy
Bought ingredients on Thursday. Made starter yesterday. Will brew today. Hope to have the Beer Model give these to G on 11/11, which is a pretty quick turn-around, but seems very possible with such a low gravity beer.
10/23/2011 Brew Day esheppy
Brewed this up. Got a much higher OG than expected. Not sure if I did not measure the syrup right or if it has a higher sugar content than I was expecting. The sample tasted pretty good. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
10/25/2011 esheppy
Quick fermentation. Up to 68 this morning and appears to be just about done.
10/28/2011 esheppy
Cold crash today. Will probaby bottle tomorrow.
10/30/2011 Bottled (yesterday) esheppy
Bottled it up yesterday. Didn't take a gravity reading. Just forgot to do it and decided I didn't care THAT much after I had it all sugared up. I did try a sample. It seems more bitter than I intended, but we will see how it turns out.
11/13/2011 esheppy
Tried one. High carbonation. Nonexistent head. Centennial hop comes through with a orange flavor. Malt starts off sweet. There is a hint if a metalic flavor at the end. Not bad overall.
11/20/2011 esheppy
Giving away 10 today to the gluten - sensitive person we know.
01/30/2012 esheppy
Nice compliment from "Gretchen" on my facebook page: "I have a way for you to get rich....or just make a good friend happy! Make more of the gluten free beer you made for me! So so good....honestly better than what's out on the market. You could make a killing....or just sell your recipe to New Planet. I can connect you with the owners! In the meantime....will you PLEASE brew me another batch?! I've been savoring it and I'm on my last bottle." I guess I'll have to brew some more of this.
02/23/2012 esheppy
Got the Golden Naked Oats and the yeast and hops for another batch. Might brew it up tonight.

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