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Helles Won't Kellerbier

Brewed: 07/16/2023   Kegged: 07/30/2023

After Roll-a-Style 13 ... Bière de Garde ... I thought I'd try another Roll-a-Style.

I rolled the Online 20 sided die and rolled ...

10 corresponds to Historical Beer: Kellerbier.

Like Bière de GardeKellerbier is another style that I know I've had, but it isn't a style that is typically available. I am not sure I'll be able to find a good example to compare my beer to.

Kellerbier is:
An unfiltered, unpasteurized, fully-attenuated German lager traditionally served from lagering vessels. May be a little richer, more robust, and rustic than the base styles. A fresh beer without fermentation defects associated with young, green (unfinished) beer.
Basically, I guess, a Kellerbier can be based on just about any German Lager, but it unfiltered, unpasteurized and can be more hazy than a the "regular" styles.


To be honest, all my German Lagers have been unfiltered and unpasteurized. They are usually more hazy than "regular" German styles. So, maybe all my homebrewed German-style lagers have actually been Kellerbiers.

I decided to use Helles as my "base" style and came up with this recipe.

"Helles Won't" is a nod to Macklemore's song "Thrift Shop" ... 

Tryna get girls from a brand? Man, you hella won't
Man, you hella won't

"Helles Won't" seemed like a good beer name for this Kellerbier.

For more information on "Roll-a-Style", see Sheppy's Blog: Roll-a-Style.

For more information on this beer, see Sheppy's Blog: Helles Won't 

Helles Won't Kellerbier --- Batch 1 (340)

Style Kellerbier Batch Size 5.50 gal
Type All Grain Boil Size   6.42 gal
Brewhouse Efficiency   68.00   Boil Time   30 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity 1.051 SG Estimated FG 1.012 SG
Recipe Bitterness 26.4 IBUs (Rager) Alcohol by Volume 5.2 %
BU : GU   0.518        
Recipe Color 7.6 SRM
Measured OG:   1.052    Measured FG:   1.012 
ADF:   80    Measured ABV:   5.5


Amt Name Type # %/IBU Volume
7.77 gal Denver, Colorado Water 1 - -
6.00 g Calcium Chloride (Mash) Water Agent 2 - -
2.00 g Epsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash) Water Agent 3 - -
2.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) Water Agent 4 - -
1.00 tsp Lactic Acid (Mash) Water Agent 5 - -
10 lbs Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 6 87.0 % 0.78 gal
1 lbs Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 7 8.7 % 0.08 gal
8.0 oz Melanoiden Malt (20.0 SRM) Grain 8 4.3 % 0.04 gal
1.000 oz Magnum [12.60 %] - Boil 30.0 min Hop 9 26.4 IBUs -
1.0 pkg Saflager Lager (DCL/Fermentis #W-34/70) [50.28 ml] Yeast 10 - -

Mash Profile

Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Saccharification Add 31.07 qt of water at 158.7 F 152.0 F 45 min
Heat Heat to 158.0 F over 10 min 158.0 F 15 min
Mash Out Heat to 170.0 F over 7 min 170.0 F 10 min

If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort

Recipe Notes
Make 1.5 liter yeast starter a couple of days before brew day.
Add salts to the mash water. This should bring Denver water profile (as defined by BeerSmith) to
Acid addition to bring expected pH around 5.4
Brew as directed from recipe.
Cool wort to as close to 50 degrees as possible. Pitch yeast and pre-load fermentor to 10 psi.
Pressure ferment at 15 psi for a couple days, then reduce to 10psi.
Keg carbonate.

Brewing Record

Brew Date:   Strike Temp:  
Mash Temps:  
Pre-boil OG   (1.048 SG)   Pre-boil Vol   (6.42 gal)
Actual Mash Efficiency   Pitch Temp    
Day 1: 
Day ... 
Day ... 

Brewing Notes:
07/10/2023 esheppy
Bought ingredients from The Brew Hut today. I think I'll probably brew this weekend.
07/15/2023 esheppy
Getting water ready for brew day tomorrow
07/16/2023 esheppy
Brew day went well. I decided to try to get it all done before 8:00 so I wouldn't have more to after church. To do so, I ended up starting the boil timer about 10 degrees before actual boil. Even so, I ended up at 1.052. Pitched at about 55. Pressure fermenting.
07/17/2023 esheppy
Not much activity yet. 12 psi. Temp strip say around 57. Hope it will take off sometime during the day.
07/18/2023 esheppy
Took off sometime while I was at work yesterday. 15 psi. 64 ish. Releasing some pressure.
07/20/2023 esheppy
Kraussen pretty much gone. Pressure inched back up to 15, so I got it back to around 10. Temp around 68. Needs to clear up quite a bit, but I'm not really expecting to keg for another week and a half.
07/23/2023 esheppy
Looking good. I can probably keg any time, but I'll probably wait until next weekend.
07/30/2023 esheppy
Kegged. Screwed up the pressure transfer again by getting the liquid and gas lines mixed up. Need to pay better attention. It doesn't seem to have caused quite as much trub mixing as previous cock-ups. 1.012 FG (right on plan). Flavor very similar to TRASH. Think I'm really going to like this beer once some of the trub clears out.
08/04/2023 esheppy
Carbonation is close, but not quite perfect yet. Nice copper color. Great cracker malt flavor. Good balance between hop bitterness and malt sweetness. Clean fermentation. Loving this beer already, but I think it will be spectacular once the carbonation gets higher and it clears up some.
08/11/2023 esheppy
Carbonation is perfect. Beautiful gold / amber color. Thick creamy head. I love the malt flavor. Practically no hop flavor, but the bitterness is balanced nicely.
08/26/2023 esheppy
Yummy beer. Not helles colored. More amber / Vienna lager. Nice cracker flavor. Clean. Crisp. Nice and dry. 😋
09/08/2023 esheppy
Really liking this beer. Great cracker malt flavor. Starting to clear.
09/21/2023 esheppy
Cleared up nicely. Beautiful gold-amber color. Great carbonation with long lasting thick head. Bready cracker malt flavor. Balanced perfectly with bitterness, but not much hop flavor at all. Great beer.
10/07/2023 esheppy
Crystal clear, gorgeous beer. I think I'd do well entering this as a Vienna Lager in competition. Really great beer.
10/28/2023 esheppy
Still yummy, but has to be almost gone. If I brew this again, I think I'll call it a Vienna lager.
11/03/2023 esheppy
96 days since kegged ... over 3 months old. Still tastes wonderful and is crystal clear. Not much left, so I'm sure it will blow soon. It is somewhat amazing that this beer lasted this long. I must just not be drinking all that much
11/05/2023 esheppy
Yep. It blew tonight. Wonderful beer for its entire life.
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