Mr. Awesome Merican Lager
Brewed: 10/02/2022 Kegged: 10/16/2022
When I first met my wife (aka The SheppyBrew Beer Model), she raved about a guy that she had dated prior to me.
 She referred to him as "Mr. Awesome".
Apparently, he was a world-class quarters player. Or maybe it was darts. Or maybe it was something else. I'm old. I don't exactly remember what his talent was. Perhaps all of the above and more.
But regardless ... he was Awesome.
Really .. he was. He asserted confidently to whomever was interested ... quite often ... "I'm so Awesome!"
Somehow I was able to take advantage of the Beer Model's bad judgement and steal her away from Mr. Awesome.
But still, from time to time she would wistfully bring up "Mr. Awesome".
"I'm so Awesome!"
My wife and I have been married for quite awhile. She has not brought up Mr. Awesome for quite awhile, but I'm sure she thinks about him quite often.
How could she not?
I thought it would be fun to name a beer after the guy who dated my wife prior to me.
Mr. Awesome Premium Lager is inspired by a beer that New Belgium recently started making (or at least I've only noticed it recently) ... Mountain Time Premium Lager.
Both the Beer Model really like it. It is an American lager ... with more character than your typical BMC beer.
I designed the beer to match Mountain Time's ABV and hops. I kept the GU:BU ratio pretty low (for me), but didn't really skimp on the amount of hops.
I use Nugget, Cascade, and Willamette hops late in the boil to keep the bitterness down. I do use 3 oz total, so the hop flavor is significant.
The malt bill is really simple ... just American pale malt.
Looking forward to trying the beer and discovering how it turns out.

Mr. Awesome Merican Lager --- Batch 2 (321) |
Style |
American Lager |
Batch Size |
5.50 gal |
Type |
All Grain |
Boil Size |
6.60 gal |
Brewhouse Efficiency |
68.00 |
Boil Time |
60 minutes | Recipe Characteristics
Recipe Gravity |
1.045 SG |
Estimated FG |
1.010 SG |
Recipe Bitterness |
17.5 IBUs (Rager) |
Alcohol by Volume |
4.5 % |
BU : GU |
0.390 |
Recipe Color |
3.4 SRM |
Measured OG: |
1.046 |
Measured FG: |
1.013 |
ADF: |
71 |
Measured ABV: |
4.3 | Ingredients
Amt |
Name |
Type |
# |
%/IBU |
Volume |
7.83 gal |
Denver, Colorado |
Water |
1 |
- |
- |
4.00 g |
Calcium Chloride (Mash) |
Water Agent |
2 |
- |
- |
2.00 g |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) |
Water Agent |
3 |
- |
- |
2.00 tsp |
Lactic Acid (Mash) |
Water Agent |
4 |
- |
- |
10 lbs |
Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
5 |
100.0 % |
0.78 gal |
1.00 Items |
Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) |
Fining |
6 |
- |
- |
1.00 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) |
Other |
7 |
- |
- |
0.500 oz |
Nugget [15.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min |
Hop |
8 |
6.2 IBUs |
- |
1.000 oz |
Cascade [8.90 %] - Boil 5.0 min |
Hop |
9 |
6.1 IBUs |
- |
1.000 oz |
Willamette [7.60 %] - Boil 5.0 min |
Hop |
10 |
5.2 IBUs |
- |
1.0 pkg |
Saflager Lager (DCL/Fermentis #W-34/70) [50.28 ml] |
Yeast |
11 |
- |
- |
Mash Profile
Mash Steps
Name |
Description |
Step Temperature |
Step Time |
Saccharification |
Add 31.33 qt of water at 158.0 F |
152.0 F |
45 min |
Heat |
Heat to 158.0 F over 10 min |
158.0 F |
15 min |
Mash Out |
Heat to 170.0 F over 7 min |
170.0 F |
10 min | If steeping, remove grains,
and prepare to boil wort Recipe Notes Brewing salts in the mash
water. This should bring Denver water profile (as defined by BeerSmith)
to Ca=84,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=88,Cl=88,HCO3=104 Acid addition to bring
calculated pH below 5.3 Boil and add hops as instructed above. Chill as
close to 50 degrees as possible. Ferment cold for first week, raising temp 1
degree per day. 2nd week, ferment at room temperature. Keg and chill add
geletin. Carbonate and enjoy.
Brewing Record
Brew Date: |
Strike Temp: |
Mash Temps: |
Pre-boil OG |
(1.041 SG) |
Pre-boil Vol |
(6.60 gal) |
Actual Mash Efficiency |
Pitch Temp |
Fermentation |
Day 1: |
Day ... |
Day ... |
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