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Shoddy Pale Ale (previous)

In May of 2021, I ran into a situation where I had beer shortages, and I wanted to turn around something fairly quickly. 

I had just brewed a Lithuanian Lovin' Wheat, which meant I also had some of my Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast freshly built up from a yeast starter. Generally, my turn-around time for beers using that Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast have always been quick, even when I don't ferment at the ridiculously high fermentation temperatures that most of these beers have been fermented at.

I had been listening to a "Short and Shoddy" episode from Brülosophy's podcast, and wondered if I could get a brew day in less than 2 hours.

I was fairly sure to get any kind of decent mash efficiency, I'd have to do an overnight mash to accomplish the brew day in less than two hours.

So, this "Short and Shoddy" used an overnight mash with a half hour boil to cut brew-day time down.

The beer itself was designed to be fairly hoppy with hops I had in my freezer. Columbus, Centennial, and Galena. The Lithuanian yeast esters compliment the citrus notes from these hops.

It was a delicious hoppy beer with a quick turn-around.

For more information on Short and Shoddy brew days, see Sheppy's Blog: Short and Shoddy.

For more about the Lithuanian Farmhouse yeast, see Sheppy's Blog: Lithuanian Farmhouse.

Shoddy Pale Ale --- Batch 2 (294)

StyleAmerican Pale AleBatch Size6.00 gal
TypeAll GrainBoil Size 6.77 gal
Brewhouse Efficiency 68.00 Boil Time 30 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity1.052 SGEstimated FG1.008 SG
Recipe Bitterness36.0 IBUs (Rager)Alcohol by Volume5.8 %
BU : GU 0.689    
Recipe Color7.1 SRM
Measured OG: 1.053  Measured FG: 1.007 
ADF: 86  Measured ABV: 5.9


7.86 galDenver, ColoradoWater1--
11.00 gGypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash)Water Agent2--
2.00 gCalcium Chloride (Mash)Water Agent3--
2.00 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash)Water Agent4--
0.50 tspLactic Acid (Mash)Water Agent5--
11 lbsPale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)Grain686.3 %0.86 gal
1 lbsMunich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM)Grain77.8 %0.08 gal
12.0 ozCaramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)Grain85.9 %0.06 gal
0.500 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - First Wort 30.0 minHop917.0 IBUs-
1.00 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins)Fining10--
1.000 ozCentennial [11.10 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop117.2 IBUs-
1.000 ozGalena [10.30 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop126.7 IBUs-
0.500 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop135.1 IBUs-
1.0 pkgVoss Kveik Ale Yeast (Lallemand #- )Yeast14--
1.000 ozCentennial [11.10 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 DaysHop150.0 IBUs-
1.000 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 DaysHop160.0 IBUs-

Mash Profile

Mash Steps
NameDescriptionStep TemperatureStep Time
SaccharificationAdd 30.81 qt of water at 159.4 F152.0 F45 min
HeatHeat to 158.0 F over 10 min158.0 F15 min
Mash OutHeat to 170.0 F over 7 min170.0 F10 min

If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort

Recipe Notes
Trying to get a brew day down under two hours on the Anvil Foundry.
Make 6 cup yeast starter 2 days before brew day. Save half for future batch use the rest in this batch.
Adding water salts to get close to Hoppy Pale Ale water profile in Beer Smith.
Acid addition to reduce estimated pH to 5.5.
Prepare water and salts and start the mash the night before.
Wake up, stir the mash, drain and start heating up as soon as possible.
Boil .5 hours adding hops etc as directed. Cool as close to 80 degrees as possible.
Ferment as warm as possible for 3 or 4 days.
Keg. Dry hop in keg. Burst carbonate.

Brewing Record

Brew Date: Strike Temp: 
Mash Temps: 
Pre-boil OG (1.049 SG) Pre-boil Vol (6.77 gal)
Actual Mash Efficiency Pitch Temp  
Day 1: 
Day ... 
Day ... 
Brewing Notes:
08/14/2021 esheppy
Got ingredients yesterday. Making starter tonight. Will also do an overnight mash. Brew day tomorrow. 
08/15/2021 esheppy
Yeast pitched 1 hour and 16 minutes after I woke up. 1.053 og. Went great, but a little hectic. 
08/15/2021 esheppy
The yeast wasn't doing anything after several hour up around 90. I went to The Brewhut and grabbed dry LalBrew Voss™. Pitched it. We'll see how it fairs. 
08/15/2021 esheppy
Didn't take long for the voss strain to get going. How did I kill the Lithuanian yeast? 
08/16/2021 esheppy
Well, the kveik voss took off quickly. Day 2 still in the high 80's and the fermentation has already started slowing down. I don't have tilt in so I don't know how far it has attenuated. 
08/17/2021 esheppy
Slowed down. Krausen down. Overnight the temp strip dropped to mid-80's. Still very hazy, but improving. 
08/20/2021 esheppy
Kegged last night. FG was 1.007. Not real clear. I wonder if this is because of the low boiling rather than the yeast. The lallemand website says "Flocculation is very high producing clear beers without filtration or use of process aids". Maybe it just needs to cool down. Anyway, the flavor is good. Added in the dry hops. Looking forward to drinking soon. 
08/20/2021 esheppy
Poured a pint. Not quite chilled yet and certainly not carbonated. Still very hazy. Great hop flavor and aroma. I feel like the voss strain has a very similar lemon pith flavor as the Lithuanian Farmhouse. Gonna like this beer. 
08/24/2021 esheppy
Chilled now. Carbonation about perfect. Nice gold color. Not real clear, but I wouldn't call it hazy. Nice hop flavor. I think the esters from Voss are very similar to the ones that come from the Lithuanian farmhouse. 

Shoddy Pale Ale --- Batch 1 (288)

StyleAmerican Pale AleBatch Size6.00 gal
TypeAll GrainBoil Size 6.77 gal
Brewhouse Efficiency 68.00 Boil Time 30 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity1.051 SGEstimated FG1.008 SG
Recipe Bitterness36.0 IBUs (Rager)Alcohol by Volume5.7 %
BU : GU 0.702    
Recipe Color6.3 SRM
Measured OG: 1.052  Measured FG: 1.005 
ADF: 90 Measured ABV:  6.2


7.86 galDenver, ColoradoWater1--
11.00 gGypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash)Water Agent2--
2.00 gCalcium Chloride (Mash)Water Agent3--
2.00 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash)Water Agent4--
0.50 tspLactic Acid (Mash)Water Agent5--
11 lbsPale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)Grain688.0 %0.86 gal
1 lbsMunich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM)Grain78.0 %0.08 gal
8.0 ozCaramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)Grain84.0 %0.04 gal
0.500 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - First Wort 30.0 minHop917.0 IBUs-
1.00 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins)Fining10--
1.000 ozCentennial [11.10 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop117.2 IBUs-
1.000 ozGalena [10.30 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop126.7 IBUs-
0.500 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop135.1 IBUs-
1.0 pkgLithuanian Farmhouse (SheppyBrew #)Yeast14--
1.000 ozCentennial [11.10 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 DaysHop150.0 IBUs-
1.000 ozColumbus (Tomahawk) [15.60 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 DaysHop160.0 IBUs-

Mash Profile

Mash Steps
NameDescriptionStep TemperatureStep Time
SaccharificationAdd 30.74 qt of water at 159.3 F152.0 F45 min
HeatHeat to 158.0 F over 10 min158.0 F15 min
Mash OutHeat to 170.0 F over 7 min170.0 F10 min

If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort

Recipe Notes
Trying to get a brew day down under two hours on the Anvil Foundry.
Make 6 cup yeast starter 2 days before brew day. Save half for future batch use the rest in this batch.
Adding water salts to get close to Hoppy Pale Ale water profile in Beer Smith.
Acid addition to reduce estimated pH to 5.5.
Prepare water and salts and start the mash the night before.
Wake up, stir the mash, drain and start heating up as soon as possible.
Boil .5 hours adding hops etc as directed. Cool as close to 80 degrees as possible.
Ferment as warm as possible for 3 or 4 days.
Keg. Dry hop in keg. Burst carbonate.

Brewing Record

Brew Date: Strike Temp: 
Mash Temps: 
Pre-boil OG (1.048 SG) Pre-boil Vol (6.77 gal)
Actual Mash Efficiency Pitch Temp  
Day 1: 
Day ... 
Day ... 

Brewing Notes:
05/08/2021 esheppy
Did a starter with my yeast. Going strong. Now, need to get the mash water ready to go. 
05/09/2021 esheppy
Remembered to mash in before going to bed. Brew day began at 4:45 am. 1.053 preboil gravity. Dilute. Boil started about an hour in. Boil over 6:16. 1.052 og. Wort into fermentor around 6:25. 6:37 heating up water to clean AF. 6:45 clean up done. 
05/10/2021 esheppy
Crazy krausen in the afternoon. This morning, still going strong, but I think it's already slowing down. Temp strip says 78 degrees. Lots of hop aroma escaping. 
05/11/2021 esheppy
Really slowing down. Still very cloudy with a thin ban of krausen. Clearing up some. I expect this will be ready to keg in 2 or 3 days. 
05/12/2021 esheppy
Krausen pretty much gone. Still hazy, but I wouldn't call it cloudy any more. Love the color. Still hoping to keg on Friday or Saturday. Still have nice hop aroma out of the air lock. 
05/17/2021 esheppy
Kegged. 1.005 fg makes this a 6.2% ABV beer. Very hazy. Not as hoppy as I thought it would be, but pretty good. Added the dry hops to the keg. 
06/01/2021 esheppy
Brought the keg to my nephew's graduation party, but didn't end up serving it. 
06/02/2021 esheppy
Nice hop flavor accentuated by the yeast. Needed to settle and de-gas after the Dallas trip. Good now. Ava are tied with Vegas after 2. Go Avs ?? 
06/25/2021 esheppy
A little more yeast flavor than I remember from before. Also a little more clear. Nice beer. 
07/09/2021 esheppy
Crystal clear now. Hop flavor is great and nicely complimented by the yeast lemon pith esters. Wonderful malt backbone dries out nicely. Really a great pale ale. 
07/23/2021 esheppy
Nice and clear. Great hop flavor. Dry. Yeast lemon zest flavor. 

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