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Cinco de Bealtaine Irish Stout

Brewed: 05/05/2018   Kegged: 05/15/2018

Bealtaine.jpgOn Big Brew Day 2018, I tried something new for me. I brewed at a friend's house. He even registered it as "Doc & Shep Big Brew Day".

It is a little strange bringing brewing equipment "on the road". I don't really have a checklist of things I need. When I brew at home, I just go grab what I need shortly before I need it. Going elsewhere, I needed to think ahead of what I would need.

Everything worked out ok.

The beer itself is a Dry Irish Stout. One of the "official" Big Brew Day recipes was also an Irish Stout. Mine is different than that recipe (see Dusty Mud Irish-Style Stout), but I thought I would use that as inspiration on what to brew. 

The name "Cinco de Bealtaine" is an amusing (probably only to me) way to make Cinco De Mayo an Irish name. If google translator is telling me the truth, Bealtaine is irish gaelic for May.

Apparently La Bealtaine also refers to the Celtic Festival of Fire and Fertility. 

At least it doesn't come up on untappd, so changes are, no one else has used this as a beer name. 

I can drink this beer by the fire and think about the pathetic state of my garden.

Slàinte everyone!

Bealtaine Irish Stout --- Batch 1

Style Irish Stout Batch Size 6.00 gal
Type All Grain Boil Size   8.23 gal
Brewhouse Efficiency   70.00   Boil Time   60 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity 1.044 SG Estimated FG 1.011 SG
Recipe Bitterness 25.3 IBUs (Rager) Alcohol by Volume 4.3 %
BU : GU   0.578        
Recipe Color 42.0 SRM
Measured OG:   1.044    Measured FG:    1.014
ADF:   67    Measured ABV:    3.9


Amt Name Type # %/IBU
5.00 g Baking Soda (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 1 -
3.00 g Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 2 -
8 lbs Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 3 78.0 %
12.0 oz Chocolate (Crisp) (400.0 SRM) Grain 4 7.3 %
12.0 oz Crystal Light - 45L (Crisp) (45.0 SRM) Grain 5 7.3 %
12.0 oz Roasted Barley (700.0 SRM) Grain 6 7.3 %
0.250 oz Magnum [12.00 %] - First Wort 60.0 min Hop 7 12.0 IBUs
0.500 oz Willamette [4.80 %] - Boil 40.0 min Hop 8 6.6 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9 -
0.500 oz Willamette [4.80 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 10 2.3 IBUs
1.000 oz Goldings, East Kent [6.10 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 11 4.4 IBUs
1.0 pkg SafAle English Ale (DCL/Fermentis #S-04) [23.66 ml] Yeast 12 -
1.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Primary 3.0 days) Other 13 -

Mash Profile

Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 12.81 qt of water at 163.7 F 152.0 F 60 min

Batch sparge with 2 steps (Drain mash tun , 6.26gal) of 168.0 F water

Recipe Notes

Brewing Record

Brew Date:   Strike Temp:  
Mash Temps:  
Pre-boil OG   (1.036 SG)   Pre-boil Vol   (8.23 gal)
Actual Mash Efficiency   Pitch Temp    
Day 1: 
Day ... 
Day ... 

Brewing Notes:
05/06/2018 esheppy
Brew day yesterday. Took my brewing equipment on the road. Turned out ok even if I was out of my element. Real long mash.
05/15/2018 esheppy
Kegged. FG 1.016. Perfect stout flavor. Not that dry, but delicious.
05/30/2018 esheppy
Force carbed Sunday. Drank it by the pint. Delicious.
07/20/2018 esheppy
08/11/2018 esheppy
Killed the keg. Delicious to the end.
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