Arctic Vortex Winter Saison (Archive)
This is the archive page for Arctic Vortex Winter Saison. To see the most recent recipe page go to Arctic Vortex Winter Saison.
This is the first of SheppyBrew's Seasonal Saisons. I had been meaning to brew a Saison for quite awhile, and finally got around to it the winter of 2013. I thought since the sun is not up as long in the winter, a winter Saison would be much darker than a regular one.
I decided to call my new beer, "Arctic Vortex Winter Saison". I had never heard of the Arctic Vortex before the winter of 2013, and the name fascinated me enough that I decided to use it to name a beer. The beer turned out fantastic, and very unique. Its aroma is slightly lemony with the signature farm-house pepper and funk of a saison. There is a noticeable saaz hop aroma. Its flavor is complex. A bit of chocolate subdues the saison farm-house flavor pushing it into the blackground. A bit of pepper tries to come out in the beginning, but quickly comes across as more tart lemony flavor. Then a deep berry flavor replaces that ... sort of reminds me of maybe a combination of blackberry and blueberry. The balance starts off tart, goes a little sweet, and finishes off dry with some significant hop spiciness. I honestly love this beer. For more about SheppyBrew's Seasonal Saisons on my blog see Sheppy's Blog: Seasonal Saisons. If you would like to read more about this beer, check out Sheppy's Blog: Arctic Vortex. 
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 10 (327) |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 5.50 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.71 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 70.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.059 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.006 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 26.5 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 7.0 % | BU : GU | | 0.446 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 30.3 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.055 | | Measured FG: | | 1.004 | ADF: | | 92 | | Measured ABV: | | 6.7 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
8.49 gal | Denver, Colorado | Water | 1 | - | - | 8.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) | Water Agent | 2 | - | - | 3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (Mash) | Water Agent | 3 | - | - | 7 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 56.6 % | 0.55 gal | 2 lbs | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 16.2 % | 0.16 gal | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 16.1 % | 0.16 gal | 14.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 7 | 7.1 % | 0.07 gal | 8.0 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar [Boil] (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 8 | 4.0 % | 0.04 gal | 0.500 oz | Magnum [15.80 %] - Boil 25.0 min | Hop | 9 | 12.5 IBUs | - | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | - | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 11 | - | - | 2.000 oz | Saaz [4.90 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 12 | 7.7 IBUs | - | 2.000 oz | Saaz [4.90 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 13 | 6.4 IBUs | - | 1.0 pkg | French Saison Ale (White Labs #WLP590) | Yeast | 14 | - | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 14.83 qt of water at 155.6 F | 145.0 F | 90 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (5.36gal, 0.06gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe NotesMake a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Water salts to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm.From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=120,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=199,Cl=71,HCO3=104Keep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | | Pre-boil OG | | (1.048 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | (7.71 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 9 (304) |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 6.00 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.09 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 68.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.053 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.009 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 26.4 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 5.9 % | BU : GU | | 0.498 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 30.2 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.053 | | Measured FG: | | 1.003 | ADF: | | 94 | | Measured ABV: | | 6.6 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
8.49 gal | Denver, Colorado | Water | 1 | - | - | 8.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) | Water Agent | 2 | - | - | 3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (Mash) | Water Agent | 3 | - | - | 7 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 56.6 % | 0.55 gal | 2 lbs | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 16.2 % | 0.16 gal | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 16.1 % | 0.16 gal | 14.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 7 | 7.1 % | 0.07 gal | 8.0 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar [Boil] (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 8 | 4.0 % | 0.04 gal | 0.500 oz | Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ) [15.60 %] - Boil 30.0 min | Hop | 9 | 15.5 IBUs | - | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.50 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 11 | 3.6 IBUs | - | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 12 | - | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.50 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 13 | 2.7 IBUs | - | 2.000 oz | Saaz [3.50 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 14 | 4.5 IBUs | - | 1.0 pkg | French Saison Ale (White Labs #WLP590) | Yeast | 15 | - | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Saccharification | Add 31.85 qt of water at 156.6 F | 150.0 F | 45 min | Heat | Heat to 156.0 F over 10 min | 156.0 F | 20 min | If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort Recipe NotesMake a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Water salts to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm.From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=120,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=199,Cl=71,HCO3=104Keep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | | Pre-boil OG | | (1.047 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | (7.09 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 8 (277) |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 6.00 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.09 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 68.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.053 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.009 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 27.4 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 5.9 % | BU : GU | | 0.518 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 30.2 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.055 | | Measured FG: | | 1.002 | ADF: | | 96 | | Measured ABV: | | 7 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
8.49 gal | Denver, Colorado | Water | 1 | - | - | 7.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) | Water Agent | 2 | - | - | 3.00 g | Chalk (Mash) | Water Agent | 3 | - | - | 7 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 56.6 % | 0.55 gal | 2 lbs | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 16.2 % | 0.16 gal | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 16.1 % | 0.16 gal | 14.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 7 | 7.1 % | 0.07 gal | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.80 %] - First Wort 60.0 min | Hop | 8 | 13.7 IBUs | - | 8.0 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar [Boil] (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 9 | 4.0 % | 0.04 gal | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.80 %] - Boil 25.0 min | Hop | 10 | 5.0 IBUs | - | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 11 | - | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.80 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 12 | 2.9 IBUs | - | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 13 | - | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.80 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 14 | 2.2 IBUs | - | 2.000 oz | Saaz [2.80 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 15 | 3.6 IBUs | - | 1.0 pkg | French Saison Ale (White Labs #WLP590) | Yeast | 16 | - | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Saccharification | Add 31.85 qt of water at 156.6 F | 150.0 F | 45 min | Heat | Heat to 156.0 F over 10 min | 156.0 F | 20 min | If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort Recipe NotesMake a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm.From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=126,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=181,Cl=23,HCO3=164http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PXKeep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | | Pre-boil OG | | (1.047 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | (7.09 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 7 |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 6.25 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 8.49 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 70.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.052 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.003 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 26.2 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 6.3 % | BU : GU | | 0.509 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 28.0 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.048 | | Measured FG: | | 1.003 | ADF: | | 93.7 | | Measured ABV: | | 5.9 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
9.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 5.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 7 lbs 4.0 oz | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 59.5 % | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 16.3 % | 1 lbs 8.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 12.3 % | 14.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 7.2 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - First Wort 60.0 min | Hop | 7 | 12.2 IBUs | 9.1 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 8 | 4.7 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 30.0 min | Hop | 9 | 5.7 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 11 | 2.0 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 12 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.40 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 13 | 2.4 IBUs | 2.000 oz | Saaz [3.40 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 14 | 4.0 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) [50.28 ml] | Yeast | 15 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 14.52 qt of water at 155.6 F | 145.0 F | 90 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (2.01gal, 4.25gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe NotesMake a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm.From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=133,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=182,Cl=23,HCO3=174http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PXKeep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | | Pre-boil OG | | (1.043 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | (8.49 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 6 |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 6.25 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 8.49 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 70.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.052 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.003 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 25.3 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 6.3 % | BU : GU | | 0.491 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 28.0 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.052 | | Measured FG: | | 1.005 | ADF: | | 94% | | Measured ABV: | | 6.2 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
9.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 5.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 7 lbs 4.0 oz | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 59.5 % | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 16.3 % | 1 lbs 8.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 12.3 % | 14.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 7.2 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - First Wort 60.0 min | Hop | 7 | 12.2 IBUs | 9.1 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 8 | 4.7 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 35.0 min | Hop | 9 | 7.0 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 11 | 2.0 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 12 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 13 | 1.5 IBUs | 2.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 14 | 2.6 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) [50.28 ml] | Yeast | 15 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 14.52 qt of water at 155.6 F | 145.0 F | 90 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (2.01gal, 4.25gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe NotesMake a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm.From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=133,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=182,Cl=23,HCO3=174http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PXKeep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | | Pre-boil OG | | (1.043 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | (8.49 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 5 |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 5.50 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.71 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 70.00 | | Boil Time | | 60 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.050 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.004 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 25.4 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 6.1 % | BU : GU | | 0.504 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 27.2 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.048 | | Measured FG: | | 1.010 | ADF: | | 80 | | Measured ABV: | | 5 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
8.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 4.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 6 lbs 4.0 oz | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 59.5 % | 1 lbs 12.0 oz | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 16.7 % | 1 lbs 4.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 11.9 % | 12.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 7.1 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - First Wort 60.0 min | Hop | 7 | 13.7 IBUs | 8.0 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 8 | 4.8 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 30.0 min | Hop | 9 | 6.3 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 11 | 2.3 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 12 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 13 | 1.7 IBUs | 1.000 oz | Saaz [2.20 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 14 | 1.4 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | Belgian Saison (Wyeast Labs #3724) [124.21 ml] | Yeast | 15 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 12.50 qt of water at 155.6 F | 145.0 F | 90 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.93gal, 3.86gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe Notes Make a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm. From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=133,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=182,Cl=23,HCO3=174http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PXKeep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | 140 took 35 minutes to get up to 150ish | Pre-boil OG | | 1.045 (1.041 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | 7.5 (7.71 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: Took off right away | Day ... | Day ...
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 4 |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 5.50 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.77 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 75.00 | | Boil Time | | 90 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.050 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.003 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 24.6 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 6.1 % | BU : GU | | 0.497 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 24.1 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.050 | | Measured FG: | | 1.006 | ADF: | | 88 | | Measured ABV: | | 5.8 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
8.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 4.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 5 lbs 8.0 oz | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 57.1 % | 1 lbs 12.0 oz | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 18.2 % | 1 lbs 4.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 13.0 % | 10.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 6.5 % | 8.0 oz | Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 SRM) | Sugar | 7 | 5.2 % | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 45.0 min | Hop | 8 | 11.1 IBUs | 0.250 oz | Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 20.0 min | Hop | 9 | 4.2 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.75 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 11 | 3.9 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 12 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.75 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 13 | 2.9 IBUs | 1.000 oz | Saaz [3.75 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 14 | 2.4 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) [50.28 ml] | Yeast | 15 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 11.41 qt of water at 155.6 F | 145.0 F | 90 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (2.13gal, 3.88gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe Notes Make a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation. Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm. From Denver water, this puts my water at: Ca=133,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=182,Cl=23,HCO3=174 http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PX Keep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer. For 3711: Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199 Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77 For INIS-291: http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/ Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95 Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that. Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | 1/8/2017 | | Strike Temp: | | | Mash Temps: | | 140ish for a couple hours | Pre-boil OG | | 1.040(1.040 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | 8 (7.77 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | 60 | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ... |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 3 |
Style | | Saison | | Batch Size | | 5.50 gal | Type | | All Grain | | Boil Size | | 7.76 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 75.00 | | Boil Time | | 90 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity | | 1.049 SG | | Estimated FG | | 1.008 SG | Recipe Bitterness | | 26.0 IBUs (Rager) | | Alcohol by Volume | | 5.4 % | BU : GU | | 0.530 | | | | | Recipe Color | | 24.2 SRM | | | | | Measured OG: | | 1.050 | | Measured FG: | | 1.008 | ADF: | | 84 | | Measured ABV: | | 5.5 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
8.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 4.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 6 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 60.8 % | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 20.3 % | 1 lbs 4.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 12.7 % | 10.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 6.3 % | 0.250 oz | Columbus (Tomahawk) [15.20 %] - First Wort 90.0 min | Hop | 7 | 16.3 IBUs | 0.250 oz | Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] - Boil 30.0 min | Hop | 8 | 2.5 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 9 | - | 1.000 oz | Spalter [2.90 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 10 | 3.0 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 11 | - | 1.000 oz | Spalter [2.90 %] - Boil 10.0 min | Hop | 12 | 2.3 IBUs | 1.000 oz | Spalter [2.90 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 13 | 1.9 IBUs | 2.0 pkg | Saison : Farmhouse (Inland Island Yeast Labs #INIS-291) [124.21 ml] | Yeast | 14 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 12.34 qt of water at 159.1 F | 148.0 F | 75 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.98gal, 3.88gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe Notes Make a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.Gypsum and chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm. From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=133,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=182,Cl=23,HCO3=174http://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?id=DG526PXKeep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.For 3711:Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77For INIS-291:http://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-291-Saison-Farmhouse/Optimum Temp range for yeast: 70 - 95Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: | | 1/1/2016 | | Strike Temp: | | 162 | Mash Temps: | | 148 to 140 | Pre-boil OG | | 1.039 (1.040 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | 7.76 (7.76 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency | | | | Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: Nice start 68 70's by mid day | Day 2: 76 up past 78 | Day 3: back down 76. slowing down |
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 2
Style |
| Saison |
| Batch Size |
| 5.50 gal | Type |
| All Grain |
| Boil Size | | 7.76 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 75.00 | | Boil Time | | 90 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity |
| 1.049 SG |
| Estimated FG |
| 1.006 SG | Recipe Bitterness |
| 24.0 IBUs (Rager) |
| Alcohol by Volume |
| 5.6 % | BU : GU | | 0.489 | | | | | Recipe Color |
| 24.2 SRM |
| | | | Measured OG: | | 1.049
| | Measured FG: | | 1.006
| ADF: | | 88 | | Measured ABV: | | 5.6 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
6.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 3.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 6 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 60.8 % | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 20.3 % | 1 lbs 4.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 12.7 % | 10.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 6.3 % | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - First Wort 90.0 min | Hop | 7 | 17.2 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 8 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 9 | 4.2 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 11 | 2.6 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) [50.28 ml] | Yeast | 12 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 12.34 qt of water at 159.1 F | 148.0 F | 75 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.98gal, 3.88gal) of 168.0 F water Recipe Notes Make a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.6g gypsum, 3g chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm. From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=108,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=149,Cl=23,HCO3=157Keep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Try to keep it there for the first 12 hours or so, but let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: |
| 01/01/2015 |
| Strike Temp: | | 155
| Mash Temps: |
| 140. Adjusted to 148 thru mash
| Pre-boil OG | | 1.040 (1.040 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | 7.75 (7.76 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency |
| 86 |
| Pitch Temp | | | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: | Day ... | Day ...
Arctic Vortex Winter Saison --- Batch 1 |
Style |
| Saison |
| Batch Size |
| 5.50 gal | Type |
| All Grain |
| Boil Size | | 7.76 gal | Brewhouse Efficiency | | 75.00 | | Boil Time | | 90 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics Recipe Gravity |
| 1.049 SG |
| Estimated FG |
| 1.006 SG | Recipe Bitterness |
| 24.0 IBUs (Rager) |
| Alcohol by Volume |
| 5.6 % | BU : GU | | 0.489 | | | | | Recipe Color |
| 24.2 SRM |
| | | | Measured OG: | | 1.049 | | Measured FG: | | 1.006 | ADF: | | 88% | | Measured ABV: | | 5.6 |
IngredientsAmt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
6.00 g | Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - | 3.00 g | Chalk (Mash 60.0 mins) | Water Agent | 2 | - | 6 lbs | Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) | Grain | 3 | 60.8 % | 2 lbs | Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) | Grain | 4 | 20.3 % | 1 lbs 4.0 oz | White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) | Grain | 5 | 12.7 % | 10.0 oz | Midnight Wheat Malt (550.0 SRM) | Grain | 6 | 6.3 % | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - First Wort 90.0 min | Hop | 7 | 17.2 IBUs | 1.00 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) | Fining | 8 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min | Hop | 9 | 4.2 IBUs | 1.00 tsp | Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) | Other | 10 | - | 1.000 oz | Saaz [4.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min | Hop | 11 | 2.6 IBUs | 1.0 pkg | French Saison (Wyeast Labs #3711) [50.28 ml] | Yeast | 12 | - | Mash Profile
Mash StepsName | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 12.34 qt of water at 159.1 F | 148.0 F | 75 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.98gal, 3.88gal) of 168.0 F water
Recipe Notes Make a small starter of the yeast the day before brew day to make sure it is active going into fermentation.6g gypsum, 3g chalk to get the water Calcium up above 100 ppm. From Denver water, this puts my water at:Ca=108,Mg=8,Na=21,SO4=149,Cl=23,HCO3=157Keep the mash on the low side. Err on the side of lower temp. Let the mash go at least 1.5 hours. Ok longer.Yeast url: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=199Optimum Temp range for yeast: 65 - 77Pitch a little below 65 degrees. Try to keep it there for the first 12 hours or so, but let rise as it wants after that.Carbonate high.Brewing Record Brew Date: |
| 2/21/2014 |
| Strike Temp: | | 160
| Mash Temps: |
| 150 cooled to 148 down to 145 by end
| Pre-boil OG | | 1.040 (1.040 SG) | | Pre-boil Vol | | 7.5 (7.76 gal) | Actual Mash Efficiency |
| 81 |
| Pitch Temp | | 65 | Fermentation | | | | | | | Day 1: ? | Day 2: Active 64
| Day 4: 68